G4957 G1 [转到字典二转到字典三]


4957sustauroo {soos-tow-ro'-o} 源自4862and 4717;TDNT-7:786,1102;动词 AV-crucify with 5;5

1)同钉十字架 基督在十架上的死,除灭了我们之前的堕落与败坏 因基督在十架的死,使我彻底脱离先前的旧习,行为与感受

4957sustauroo {soos-tow-ro'-o} from 4862and 4717;TDNT-7:786,1102;v AV-crucify with 5;5

1)to crucify alone with The death of Christ on the cross has wrought the extinction of our former corruption,by the death of Christ upon the cross Ihave become utterly estranged from (dead to)my former habit of feeling and action